
Natty Boh Beer-Tab Collectors Raise $10,000 for Blue Crab Restoration

National Bohemian has done their part to improve the “Land of Pleasant Living.” This summer, drinkers of Natty Boh beer, that old Maryland favorite, raised thousands of dollars for blue crab research and habitat restoration by collecting and mailing in their beer tabs.

National Bohemian announced the results of its first-ever “Tabs for Crabs” campaign.

Natty Boh drinkers collected the special red tabs featured on cans throughout the summer, earning 10 cents per tab for crab conservation. The company now says it has collected more than 85,000 tabs.

On Facebook and Twitter, National Bohemian wrote, “Mr. Boh graciously donated the balance of the 100,000 tabs goal, bringing our total donation to the maximum $10,000.00!”

That money will go to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), directly helping blue crabs in the Bay. After all, a Natty Boh pairs perfectly with steamed crabs.

National Bohemian says it’s looking forward to working with CBF for a second year of the Tabs for Crabs campaign. And if anyone has a collection of tabs at home that they forgot to mail in, don’t get crabby: if you mail them in now, they’ll be counted towards next year’s total.

Tabs can be mailed to:

Natty Boh Tabs for Crabs
3600 O’Donnell St.
Suite 185
Baltimore, MD 21224

Tabs for Crabs will officially re-launch in Spring 2018.